Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's That Smell?

We’re a little bit late for the gig at a local convalescent home. I’m at the bass player’s house loading up instruments.

Suddenly, I notice the familiar odor of cat sh*t. Yuk, I’m the victim, and of course I happen to be wearing shoes with a nice thick tread. No time to run home and change shoes, so I try my best at the old ‘scuffle back and forth in the dirt’ technique.

At first I think I’ve done okay, but as we are driving to the gig, it becomes apparent that I have failed miserably in my efforts to dispose of the fragrance in question.

So we get to the gig, and I make a quick run to the bathroom, lock the door and begin trying to scrub the sole of the unfortunate shoe in the sink with what appears to be some moderate success.

About this time things go from bad to worse the sink drain seems to be a clogged and I now am faced with a sink full of … well you know what.

Naturally, at that moment there’s a knock at the bathroom door. Yikes! ‘Just a minute. I’ll be right out’

Fortunately, there’s a plunger in this bathroom. I guess I’m not the first to face a clogged drain, although maybe the first to face one with this particular content.

Eventually, I manage clear the drain and clean the sink up. I exit the bathroom expecting to see some irate person waiting but they seem to have moved on.

During the gig, I still notice some rather noticeable whiffs from the direction of my feet and some occasional looks from fellow band members, but I somehow make it thru.

Hmmm…did we play ‘The Cat Came Back’ that day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

Many years ago, I was sitting by this very peaceful stream playing a quite meditative guitar improvisation.

Somewhere into this particular 'communion with nature', I was joined
by a small group of teenagers. "Far out dude...mind if we hang out and listen". The six pack of beer they carried told me right away that they were surely in a mind space for quiet listening and deep introspection, so I welcomed them to the log that had become my perch.

Well sure enough, shortly thereafter the party began and my guitar meditation was soon accompanied by the banter of several slightly buzzed teenagers.

But as I had suspected, it did not take very long for them to succeed in their primary task which was to consume the six pack. And then they were on their way with many compliments to my music soundtrack to there reveries.

As I once again found myself listening to the gentle rippling of the stream, I thought to myself, that was similar to the thunderstorms we had in Virginia where I grew up...full of energy and passing rather quickly.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Getting Started

I'm just getting started...will have some real posts soon. Be sure to check back.